
Hope, hype or reality: can we make eggs or sperm from stem cells?

Dec 2015 |
Fertility and infertility
Fertility treatment

Leading researchers and reproductive specialists discussed current research into whether we can create human sperm and eggs from stem cells and what this could mean for assisted reproductive laboratories and clinical practice in the future at the 2015 Twilight Seminar: Hope, hype or reality: can we make eggs or sperm from stem cells?

Presenters included Associate Professor John McBain from Melbourne IVF and Royal Women's Hospital; Dr Robin Hobbs from the Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute and Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, Monash University; Dr Deepak Adhikari from the Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, Monash University; and Louise Johnson, VARTA CEO.

The event was jointly hosted by VARTA and Stem Cells Australia and was chaired by Associate Professor Megan Munsie, Head of Education, Ethics, Law & Community Awareness Unit, Stem Cells Australia.

Listen to the audio of each pesenter.

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