
Male age matters for IVF success

May 2020 |
Fertility and infertility
Fertility treatment
man and women in field


Most people are aware that female fertility declines with increasing age, especially after 35. And for those hoping IVF can help them conceive in their late 30s or 40s, unfortunately the chance of success is slim. But what about the age of the male partner? A recent study shows it matters too.

Researchers at Monash IVF analysed data from 2,425 IVF cycles performed between 1992 and 2017 in couples with so called unexplained infertility. Unexplained infertility is when a couple has tried to have a baby for 12 months without success and there is no obvious reason why. They found that irrespective of the female partner's age, the male partner’s age affected the chance of IVF success. Each year of increase in male age resulted in a 4.1% decrease in the chance of a live birth.

Compared to couples with men aged less than 40, couples with men aged 50 to 54 had a 48% lower chance of a live birth. Those with men aged over 55 had a 54% lower chance of a live birth.

To learn more about how a man's age affects the chance of a spontaneous pregnancy and what men can do to improve their fertility, visit


Horta F, Vollenhoven B, Healey M, Busija L, Catt S, Temple-Smith P: Male ageing is negatively associated with the chance of live birth in IVF/ICSI cycles for idiopathic infertility. Hum Reprod 2019, 34(12):2523-2532.

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