
Research and publications

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From Stranger to Family or Something in Between: Donor Linking in an Era of Retrospective Access to Anonymous Sperm Donor Records in Victoria, Australia

Through a thematic analysis of donor-conceived adults’ and donors’ Statements of Reasons – a written document applicants were required to complete when they applied – the article explores applicants’ motivations for applying, the information they sought, and their goals with regard to contact.
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VARTA year in review 2019

The Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority is the independent regulator of fertility treatment in Victoria, Australia. In 2018-19 we educated people about what they can do to improve their chance of having a baby, we regulated clinics to promote the best interests of patients and their future children, and we supported people involved in donor conception to get the information they want. Here is a snapshot of our annual report, which includes data on treatment provided by registered clinics.

Child safety and protection - Code of conduct

This Code of Conduct applies to all employees, volunteers and contractors working at VARTA, and their compliance is required. It is particularly pertinent for VARTA’s counsellors, who are more likely to interact with children and young people in the course of information and support sessions. This Code of Conduct makes reference to and incorporates the Code of Conduct for Victorian Public Sector Employees. VARTA is bound by that Code of Conduct and adheres to it in accordance with section 61 of the Public Administration Act 2004 (Vic).

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