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Ministerial Statement of Expectations report 2016-2017
Report on the Ministerial Statement of Expectations for the period 1 Julu a2016 - 31 December 2017
Making and handling protected disclosures - Policy and procedure
The purpose of this policy and procedure is to facilitate the disclosure of improper conduct or detrimental action by VARTA or its employees (including members). These procedures have been prepared in accordance with the PDAct and the guidelines issued by IBAC.
Child safety and protection - Policy and procedures
VARTA is committed to promoting and protecting the interests and safety of children. As an organisation, we do not tolerate any form of child abuse. VARTA recognises its commitment to children of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, as well as children with disabilities.
All employees of VARTA are responsible for the care and protection of children and reporting information about child abuse in accordance with this policy and our Code of Conduct.
A right to know your identity
The Victorian Government has released a discussion paper, ‘A Right to Know Your Identity’, which outlines how the proposed changes will work in practice.
It details how donor-conceived people will be able to apply for information, how contact preferences will apply, and how donors and donor-conceived people will be supported through this process.
Age when learning about mode of conception and well-being among young adults conceived with ART
Objective: To investigate the age at which young adults recalled learning about being assistive reproductive technologies (ART)-conceived and the association with subjective well-being and parental relationship.
Background: The use of ART is increasing. Parents are encouraged to tell children about the way they were conceived when they are young. Little is known about whether age when learning about being ART-conceived influences adult well-being.
Why, when and how to tell children about donor conception
A review of the literature
This document presents what the research literature tells us about disclosure pattersn around the world, the reasons for telling children about the way they were conceived, the best age to tell, and strategies and pratcial tips for having this conversation with donor-conceived children.
Outcomes of surrogacy undertaken by Australians overseas
Objectives: To describe the outcomes of surrogacy among Australian intended parents who engage in compensated surrogacy overseas.
Design, setting and participants: Members of two Australian parenting support forums who were considering surrogacy or were currently or previously in a surrogacy arrangement were invited to complete an anonymous online survey during July 2013.
ART further amendment legislative changes Q&A briefing
Victorian Parliament passes donor information amendments
New legislation giving Victorians conceived through donor sperm donated before 1988 the right to access identifying information about their donors with their donor's consent was passed on August 21, 2014, and took effect 29 June 2015.
Australian's use of surrogacy
Objectives: To investigate the characteristics of parents and intended parents and their current and planned behaviour in relation to surrogacy arrangements.
Design, setting and participants: Members of two Australian parenting support forums who were considering surrogacy or were currently or previously in a surrogacy arrangement were invited to complete an online survey during July 2013.
Donor consultation report
The Victorian Government asked VARTA to conduct an independent consultation of donors who would be affected by any changes to legislation arising from the Victorian Law Reform Committee’s recommendation to allow all donor-conceived people access to their donor’s identifying information. The VLRC’s report Inquiry into Access by Donor-Conceived People to Information about Donors, was published in March 2012.