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Experiences of donor conception - Chantele's story

Donor conception
There is no shame in being donor-conceived In this video, Chantele shares her story that when she was eight years old that she was conceived using donor sperm, but not all of her family knew she was donor-conceived.
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Emotional impact and coping strategies

Fertility treatment
Fertility and infertility
Dinah and Ben talk about how IVF impacts your relationship and emotional and physical wellbeing. Dinah and Ben's IVF treatment lasted four years until Dinah finally gave birth to their daughter Tallulah in 2010. In listening to this podcast series please bear in mind that Dinah and Ben's experience is not universal, it is their story. This podcast series is not intended to replace or replicate medical advice.
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Deciding to stop IVF treatment

Fertility treatment
Fertility and infertility
With multiple unsuccessful treatment cycles of IVF the inevitable question arises; should we end treatment? This can be an extremely difficult decision that can emotionally test any couple. For Anne and her husband the decision aroused both frustration and sadness.

Dealing with work and IVF

Fertility and infertility
Fertility treatment
IVF treatment means that you have to juggle the treatment schedule with the work schedule, not always an easy task. Revealing the reasons why time of work taken must raise the questions: who do you tell when you go for IVF? And what are the anxieties involved in telling?

Coping strategies during IVF treatment

Fertility and infertility
Fertility treatment
Every couple finds its own way of coping with the highs and lows of IVF treatment. Anne discovered the need to have coping strategies once IVF treatment had begun. Uncertainties always loomed but Anne found ways of dealing with them.
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Coming to terms with the end of treatment

Fertility treatment
Fertility and infertility
Ben and Dinah talk about trying for another child and coming to terms with the end of their IVF treatment. Dinah and Ben's IVF treatment lasted four years until Dinah finally gave birth to their daughter Tallulah in 2010. In listening to this podcast series please bear in mind that Dinah and Ben's experience is not universal, it is their story. This podcast series is not intended to replace or replicate medical advice.
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Breaking the news

Fertility treatment
Fertility and infertility
IVF treatment can impose heightened sensitivities. Friends who achieve a pregnancy and want to share their news may be unaware that IVF recipients can be distressed to hear about other pregnancies.
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Being pregnant

Fertility treatment
Fertility and infertility
Dinah and Ben talk about being pregnant. Dinah and Ben's IVF treatment lasted four years until Dinah finally gave birth to their daughter Tallulah in 2010. In listening to this podcast series please bear in mind that Dinah and Ben's experience is not universal, it is their story. This podcast series is not intended to replace or replicate medical advice.
Welcome to Varta

Being a parent post IVF

Fertility treatment
Fertility and infertility
Dinah and Ben talk about parenting post IVF. Dinah and Ben's IVF treatment lasted four years until Dinah finally gave birth to their daughter Tallulah in 2010. In listening to this podcast series please bear in mind that Dinah and Ben's experience is not universal, it is their story. This podcast series is not intended to replace or replicate medical advice.
Welcome to Varta

Balancing hopes against realities

Fertility treatment
Fertility and infertility
Couples describe the IVF treatment program as a journey with a lot of emotion. It can last for many months, even years. The emotional journey that Anne undertook had her balancing hopes against the realities. It became a struggle that often looked bleak.

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