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BCNA: Fertility preservation

Fertility treatment
A BCNA survey has found that one in six Australian young women had not been informed of their fertility options at the point of diagnosis. Where fertility options were mentioned, discussions were limited, or not fully explained.

Why, when and how to tell children about donor conception

Donor conception
A review of the literature This document presents what the research literature tells us about disclosure pattersn around the world, the reasons for telling children about the way they were conceived, the best age to tell, and strategies and pratcial tips for having this conversation with donor-conceived children.
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VARTA year in review 2019

The Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority is the independent regulator of fertility treatment in Victoria, Australia. In 2018-19 we educated people about what they can do to improve their chance of having a baby, we regulated clinics to promote the best interests of patients and their future children, and we supported people involved in donor conception to get the information they want. Here is a snapshot of our annual report, which includes data on treatment provided by registered clinics.

The history of donor conception records in Victoria report

Donor conception register services
Donor conception
The History of Donor Conception Records in Victoria was prepared for VARTA by Dr Fiona Kelly, Associate Professor in Law at La Trobe University, and Dr Deborah Dempsey, Associate Professor in Sociology at Swinburne University of Technology. The report was supported by the Victorian Government.

Telling it your way

Donor conception
Donor conception register services
A guide for parents of donor-conceived adolescents. By Magie Kirkman, Doreen Rosenthal, Louise Johnson

Telling about donor assisted conception report

Donor conception
Donor conception register services
This report from the Infertility Treatment Authority, Victoria, presents results of interviews conducted with donor-conceived adults, parents who are recipients of donated sperm or eggs, an egg donor, and infertility counsellors; 34 people in all. Discussion focused on telling donor-conceived people about their conception and resources that would assist parents and donor-conceived people to manage the information.
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Outcomes of surrogacy undertaken by Australians overseas

Fertility treatment
Abstract Objectives: To describe the outcomes of surrogacy among Australian intended parents who engage in compensated surrogacy overseas. Design, setting and participants: Members of two Australian parenting support forums who were considering surrogacy or were currently or previously in a surrogacy arrangement were invited to complete an anonymous online survey during July 2013.

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